Past-life recovery - A safety warning
One of the distinctive beliefs of Mithraism is that of reincarnation. Many of us have recovered memories of past lives, most of us have worked actively to recover more of those memories. As Mithraists this is an important spiritual practice. But this is not an easy thing and it’s not inherently a safe thing to do. Recovered memories of past lives will not necessarily be pleasant. This is a serious safety warning, a person can work hard to recover something of their past-lives and find something they were not expecting. The things you remember may not be pleasant. You may recover traumatic events from past-lives, your death, the death of loved ones etc. True past-life work is not rose-tinted nostalgia for a golden age, it is a remembrance of a real life you have had before and real life can be hard.
Anyone travelling this road has to be prepared for that. It is deeply worthwhile but before you look consider what you may see and look after yourself.